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NEW Website!

Monica's here~ and I'm back with a new website...err, I mean with a new design for my website!

Unlike before, I decided to try the wix template for my personal portfolio website.

The reason is simple.

Because it's just so simple!

Get it? Simple - simple. *nods*

*coughs* Ehem...!

Well, before going any further, I've uploaded more of my works here. Not only art, but also my stories. Interesting, right? But how will you find my stories?

My stories aren't exactly posted or written here. Instead, there's a button that will redirect you to my stories, wherever they may be. So, fret not. You can still find my stories easily.

Then, what about this blog you ask? This is simply one way for me to talk to you. I'll write my thoughts about my experiences, my works, and the other stuffs here. Just another way to express myself besides my artworks and stories.

I'm not sure either how often I'll update my blog, but, I'd try to do it often enough. Haha...

After all, this also helps me improve my writing skill. :D

Anywayss, I guess that is all for now.

Thank you for dropping by and see you next time~!


Feel free to drop any comments. A simple hi will do :D

and here is a little sneak peak of my new website~!

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