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  • Writer's pictureMonica C.

Who are You?

"Who are you?" is a simple question anyone can ask to anyone else.

This question is asked because that person knows nothing about the other person.

A simple question with many implications.

It can even stop a conversation. Don't believe me? Check the case below.

For example, you are on your way home from work. But, then, suddenly someone called up to you. You turned your back to him. He then began talking to you with a bright smile on his face. But, you only raised an eyebrow, and then you asked, "Who are you?" and the person stopped talking all immediately. He blinked once, twice, before he gave a small smile to you.

What do you think his answer will be? Well, it can vary as well, but I'll leave it all to your creative imagination. ;)

The point is, "Who are you?" is not just simply a random simple question. It is a question asked to help us know, or at least remember others.

Why am I writing about this now? This one is simple. It's because I have yet to introduce myself.

Like some people say (at least in my country),

"You won't be able to love someone if you don't know them."

So, to let you all love m—my works—please allow me to introduce myself.


I look almost like that. Almost. Except that I don't have Meicoomon as my Digimon and I prefer to wear t-shirts and shorts instead of skirt. I also don't have grey hair, instead it's dark brown to black, and the same goes for my eyes.

Oh, no. That should've been the second. Because I have yet to tell you my name. The most important part.

Nice to meet you, my name is Monica. But I also go by with many other names. Alice Cross, Luna Scarlet (Lunecarlate), and Momoko (Momocchi). Well, they are basically like pen-name. So, most of my social media could be found under those names.

I'm a fresh graduate of Visual Communication Design at my university and gained a Bachelor of Design degree. Back at my university, I choose animation/3d modelling as my specialisation and so I got a basic knowledge about 3D Modelling and Animation. But, my main focus for now is to become a Character Designer, Illustrator, Author/Writer, and Voice Actress.

I wish I could work in the Entertainment Industry, either 2D/3D game or animation. Because I love anime, manga, and games, it's been my dream to be able to work with them, creating anime/game myself. It was not my dream at the beginning, but I've come to love voice acting as well and thus I've practice to become a voice actress as well.

Besides that, I also write my own stories. But, I have yet to post them up yet. You can still find my fanfictions here, though. While I've planned to post my original stories on my own website, and I've been figuring out how it'd be the best way to publish them.

Anyways, to sum it all up...

I'm Monica, an aspiring (and currently working as Freelance) Character Designer, Illustrator, Author/Writer, and Voice Actress. I accept art and story commissions, while if you need me for voice acting, please contact me directly.

Very pleased to meet you all~!

I hope I could help you in any way I could and vice versa. Haha.

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